Patent Assembly Line

At TEXPOSITION® we know how difficult it is to develop your idea from a "drawing on a napkin" all the way to a patented, manufactured product. The creative mind needs protecting and nurturing.

TEXPOSITION® has a novel patent assembly line that protects the inventor and helps with every step of the new product development process. There is no other system like ours in the world.

Write and draw a report of invention and title the page "REPORT of INVENTION." Keep a notebook/journal like a "bluebook" where the pages cannot be torn out.

Date it with the day, month, year, hour, and minute in which the idea was born in your creative mind. Have a trusted witness date, print, and sign their name on the page.

Contact us to enter the protected patent assembly line system. Do not include your idea in the submittal.

We have patent attorneys to help with your patent application. Do not divulge your ideas to us or anyone.


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